About Me

My name is Michael Soriano and I am a Graduate Student at the University of Miami pursuing my PhD in Literary Studies. My research interests are seriality and television studies, Lacanian psychoanalysis, decolonial studies, trauma studies, and contemporary literature. Alongside my research interests, I teach WRS 105 and WRS 106 at the University of Miami.

Work and Research

  • Seriality Studies
  • Television Studies
  • Lacanian Psychoanalysis
  • Caribbean Studies
  • Decolonial Studies

My current research works to analyze the historical-temporal structure of seriality using Lacanian psychoanalytic metapsychology. What is seriality’s narratological and political utility? The structure of serial desire? And seriality’s effectivity in the construction of mass art?

Background and Academic History

I am a HSI Pathways to the Professoriate Mellon Fellow recipient. I received my degree in English Literature at Florida International University. Additionally, I worked as a high school teacher (English Literature and Film Studies) for four years.

Intellectual Communities

  • MLA
  • American Political Science Association